“Equity for Black professionals in the fashion industry means breaking down barriers that prevent black professionals from entering spaces of leadership within the fashion industry. Furthermore keeping those barriers down so that the next generation isn’t starting all over. Less than 5 percent of CFDA members are black, and only 10 black designers have ever won a CFDA or CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund award. Black professionals have to be in the room to have an opportunity for input. We have to be counted, and we have to be in the room to make change. If we are only allowed in the fashion industry less than 5 percent of the time, then the fashion industry is truly missing out on the impact and influence Black Professionals have to offer.
Gatekeepers of the industry can make this a reality by starting now with three
attainable goals:
1. Forging strong partnerships with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) art departments for internships.
2. Having in-house team(s) of people of color who are in charge of major departments, aside from ‘minority affairs.’ The emphasis here is TEAM because often one person carrying the load of an entire race leaves room for some opinions to be missed.
3. Making sure Black and persons of color professionals are included in major decision making conversations.
These steps would help to increase the exposure.”
—Wayman & Micah, Wardrobe Stylists